Don’t Let Your Invoice Be Your Only Touchpoint — The Right Way to Keep Existing Business.

Do you feel like your relationship with your client has taken a turn for the worse? Are you not as connected as you used to be and unsure of the current status of the relationship? Maintaining strong relationships with clients is key for the success of any business.

Do you feel like your relationship with your client has taken a turn for the worse? Are you not as connected as you used to be and unsure of the current status of the relationship? Maintaining strong relationships with clients is key for the success of any business.

Do you feel like your relationship with your client has taken a turn for the worse? Are you not as connected as you used to be and unsure of the current status of the relationship? Maintaining strong relationships with clients is key for the success of any business.

“It’s 4X more expensive to find new business than it is to keep an existing client.”


Some of the tell-tale signs of client neglect are not returning phone calls or emails promptly, not responding to requests for information, missing deadlines, and not staying up to date on new developments that may affect their situation. When any of these signs start to show, it’s important to address them quickly and make sure you are providing your clients with the care and respect they deserve.

Here are some key things you can do to keep your client focused on you.

Keep in touch on a personal level.

At the heart of any business relationship is a human connection. Going the extra mile and adding a personal touch is an excellent way to make a lasting impression. This can be a creative gift, a personalized note of thanks, or just taking the time to have an informal chat to get to know them on a more personal level.

Share information

Keeping your clients informed is a great way to ensure a successful working relationship. By providing them with up-to-date news and tips, you can help them make informed decisions, reduce their stress levels, and make them feel appreciated.

Ask for honest feedback

By asking for candid reviews of our work, we can take a proactive approach to our customer service and be sure that we are addressing any concerns or issues our clients may have. Asking for feedback also allows us to continually improve our services and keep our clients happy and satisfied.

Have Regular Meetings

Keeping a set of scheduled meetings during your projects to check in on progress is a fantastic way to keep them engaged in your process. Consider 15 minute “standing” meetings where you both state what you did since the previous meeting, and what you are going to have done for the next one.  These simple, cost effective ways to keep both you and your clients on track towards goals, and keep them in the loop with current progress.


Networking with your client not only give you the opportunity to gain a better understanding of their individual needs and preferences, but it also allows for quicker resolutions to any potential problems that may arise down the road.

“If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will.”

– Bob Hooey

It’s essential to stay in touch with your clients to build strong relationships and trust. Staying connected with them on a regular basis is key to building strong rapport, understanding their needs and goals, and maintaining trust in the work that you do. Taking the time to reach out, listen to their concerns, and address any issues that come up shows that you value their input and opinions. This in turn will strengthen your client relationships, ensure that your clients are happy with your work, and ensure that your clients feel comfortable entrusting you with their business.

If you are looking for more creative ways to stay connected and engaged with your client, contact Rampant Imaginations today. Together, let’s discover how to elevate your business to new heights of prosperity.

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Good relationships are hard find, and even harder to maintain.  See how learning, listening, and caring about our clients has helped us develop amazing bonds with our clients.

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